
Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today my little brother turns 18 years old! Holy cow! Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday that we were playing hide and go seek together (wait, maybe that was yesterday).

For those of you who do not know my brother Jordan...
1. He is brilliant! When he was little (about 5 years old) our younger sister Kennadi got a bike for her birthday. The bike came in a box not put together yet. Jordan had been outside for quite some time, when my mom went to get him she found him and the bike...assembled. When my mom asked how he was able to read the instructions his response was "what instructions?"
2. He is fun! So who doesn't think their brother is totally awkward? I thought for the longest time that Jordan was super awkward and I feared for his first date. Jordan and I went on a double date and to my surprise, he was totally cool. He opened the door, let her order first, asked about her, responded normally, I was in awe. He is so fun to hang out with!
3. He's adventurous! When Jordan was two years old he decided that super early in the morning he was going to walk to Grandma's house. Well grandma's house was about 2 miles away. I believe that a lady in the ward found him and was able to call our mom. Scary!
4. He is hilarious! Our family is able to laugh for days about the stuff Jordan says and does, he really is so funny and witty.

Jordan is so many amazing things, these are just a few of his awesome qualities. Anyone who meets Jordan likes him right away. We are so blessed to have Jordan in our lives.

Jordan's goals as of late:
1. Graduate high school
2. Go to law school (if you know Jordan at all you know he will be the best lawyer)
3. Learn to dirt bike so he can go with Tommy. Cute.  


Monday, September 10, 2012


 Wow! All I can say is wow! I am getting married to this guy in 19 days! I am so excited and so blessed to have him in my life. 
Last week I had the opportunity to go through the Temple for the first time. What an experience! The peace and happiness I felt all day was so indescribable, and I want to share it with the world! Being in the house of the Lord put things into so much perspective. They were things I maybe already knew but were amplified in the Temple.
1. The plan of salvation. How blessed are we to be able to know what happens after this life? And what happened before we came here to earth? That is a knowledge I am beyond grateful for. 
2. Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us more than we can fathom. We are each one of is beloved children. Knowing that makes me feel beautiful. 
3. My soon to be spouse and family are the most important things. I am going to be a wife! We could not make a marriage work without God. We are so very blessed to be able to put each other and God first. 
4. My family love me and I love them! 
5. Tommy is the best thing to ever happen to me! 
These are in no particular order and all of great importance. 
The feeling that I have being on the Temple grounds is like no other feeling! I feel so pure, so innocent, and so happy. We are so blessed to have Temples on this earth today! I have a firm testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am so thankful for the family that I have been blessed with. 

These pictures are at the breakfast after the Temple. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

No more M.I.A

Okay has been way too long since I have updated my blog. I really do think about it often and I am going to be better. Promise. 

In the past 3 months...

I finished my second year of college! woot woot! That means half way!
I spent 10 weeks doing summer camp. I was hard work but I loved it!
I spent plenty of hours in the pool teaching swim lessons.
Oh yeah...
Love it. Love him. 
I got to spend a week at the beach house with the Stout fam
A few trips to Utah
Lots of wedding planning!
*Shout out to my mom*
She is the BEST! She has spent so many days and hours planning and getting ready for the wedding (September 28th). I do not know what I would do without her! 
Any ideas of something huge I can do for her as a thank you? 
The summer is coming to and end and I think I am sort of...happy! It has been so hot to the point where you can't even do ANYTHING! So I am ready for it to cool down a bit. 

This pic is one of our engagement pics. Isn't he cute? 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I have the BEST mom every!
She loves our Heavenly Father.
She's the smartest woman I know.
She's the most beautiful woman I know. 
She is so cool! All my friends love her!
She is the YW President and all her girls adore her.
My mom has the ability to make everyone feel like they are amazing.
My mom would never even think about judging anyone!
She prays with us.
She is an example.
EVERYONE wants to be her friend!
I could really go on and on about how I have the BEST mom!
And she's totally smokin' HOT!

This is us on Mother's Day 2012. 

Beach Trip Spring 2012

Sometimes we buy the same clothes...she has such good taste, I just can't help it.

Anyone who knows my mom even a little bit knows that she LOVES chick-fil-a. That's an understatement. Last summer she woke up and told us all to get ready because we were going to drive to California to get Chick-fil-a. We did. Really though, has your mom done anything that cool?

She is so crafty! She totally made our costumes.

She LOVES her family and will do ANYTHING for us!

My mom HATES pictures where she either just woke up, didn't know you took the photo, or didn't get to proof it first. It cracks me up. But I couldn't help but post this one, she looks hot as always. This was the birthday I turned 19. I was not looking forward to my birthday (I had just sent off Jake). But my mom did everything in her power to make sure I had a fabulous day. I did!

My mom always makes sure that she is just enough behind you in pictures so that she looks tiny. Which is totally not fair when we take pictures together because her head is way smaller and mine is way bigger. So now hers looks even smaller and cuter and mine looks even bigger. 

My mom comes to the UNLV games because it's my school and she loves me. 

She takes us on sweet dates!

My mom is really the greatest! I do not know what I would do without her. I hope one day I can be like her!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Elder Hansen hits the 6 moth mark!

It's been too long since I've updated
I'm slackin'

On April 26, 2012 Elder Jacob Hansen hit his 6 month mark!
We are all so proud of him and love him SO MUCH!
To celebrate we made a cake and went to Firehouse Subs!
Jake is doing great! He loves his mission. 

 Everyone holding up the number 6
 The 6 month cake
 Just some fun shots I sent to Jake :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 17

Day 17

5 things that make me feel better

1. Letters

2. Naps

3. Chocolate

4. A good workout

5. Laughing

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 16

Day 16

Something I love

Dogs! My dog especially. Jovie will forever have a special place in my heart! We got her for Christmas one year when she was only 2 months old and just a tiny puppy, she made your heart melt. Jovie has one brown eye and one blue eye, she is one of a kind! Jovie has been a part of the fam for about 6 years (she even has her own stocking). Jovie doesn't always listen but she knows some pretty sweet skills like shake, sit, be cute, you know. Well about a year ago we moved into a house that we are renting and they do not allow dogs :( buuut good news is Jovie lives here in town with a little old lady that loves her to pieces. So even though I miss her like crazy, I know she is in good hands.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 15

Day 15

What does February have in store for me?

-Family vacations...California AND Florida! Thank you Kennadi for being a gymnast.
-Valentines Day! I will be seeing The Vow.
-Sticking to my new year's resolutions. I've been great for a whole month so far.
-Writing Jake. That's a given.
-SUN! It's getting warmer :)
-School. My classes are fabulous! Meetings and Event Major here.
-Continuing to make the world a better place. I try.
-Work! Lot's of it.
-Family time. Even though I am obligated to say that, I really do like hanging out with them.
-Relaxing. Yes, sometimes I like to just chill.
-Pampering myself. I believe in that.
-I have a laser hair removal appointment. Maybe TMI but if you have had this done you know how amazing life is being hairless.
-Be thankful!

Day 14

Day 14

What I dreamt last night!

This is so funny. Dreams never really make sense but this one was kind of cool. I had a dream that some movie making company called me and said they needed me to come be in their movie. For some reason I went...once I arrived I found out the part in the movie I was supposed to be was the stunt double. I had to jump of a cliff...with TOM CRUISE! I don't ever even think about him so how he appeared in my dream I do not know. But I was super nervous to jump off this cliff into water but for some reason I did it. It was more like bunjee jumping? Once I jumped I felt liberated! It was amazing! Then I got a picture with Tom. It was so weird but kind of a cool dream. Not sure what any of that meant but it made for an interesting nights sleep.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 13

Day 13

What I wore today...

Today I wore a maxi dress. I love those long things because they are so comfy! This particular one I got a Charming Charlies for $20! The earrings, also CC $4. The sweater was only because it got chilly. I wore sandals (gotta love Vegas in January). I wore my hair straight today and decided to try and rock one of those braids that makes a headband looking thing. I think I did alright today :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 12

Day 12

This Week!

Holy Crazy Week
Then again, what week isn't?

Things like that make me realize how lucky I am
-Daily Trips to the mailbox
Life of waiting for a missionary
-3 days in a row working at 5:30 A.M.
Never again
-Worked out every day
Time to get skinny
-I've been drinking tons of water
have to pee constantly
-Sleepovers with my sisters
those are simply the best
-A little bit of shopping
Target is my home away from home
LOVE LOVE LOVE my classes
I am so blessed to have a good job
-Be Smart
Such a fun calling
-Dinner with the fam
Viva Mercados!
It's so fun to go out
One of my favorite places
I do a lot of that...

And the week isn't even over...two more days...

I know there is tons that I am sure I am forgetting but I guess these are the things that stuck out to me the most :)

Day 11

Day 11

What the heck is in my bag?

Oh my goodness...

I don't even know if I should really admit to how much stuff is in that bag of mine...

On a regular day I have

10 or so pens


white out

comes in handy often

The 5 Love Languages

You never know when you're going to have a quick moment to read

A little makeup bag

Lip gloss

a must



compact mirror


Water bottle


A ready brush


Sticky notes




A Stationary Set

Just in case I need to stop everything and write Jake

Car keys

A fork

I am sure there is even more...

*It really seems like a lot to have in one is...but I totally use all that how it all fits is another story...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 10

Day 10

Things I believe in




Missionary work



A good work out

An excuse to dress up

Comfy clothes

Sleeping in





Good Shampoo and Conditioner







Lip gloss

Frozen Yogurt

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 9

Day 9
A moment

One of the best moments

is the moment when

I feel the

The Spirit

It is the best feeling

It's the moment when

I just know

That it's real

Everything I believe

It reasures my testimony

I need it

I love it

When I feel the Spirit

I am nothing but


It is one of the best moments

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 8

Day 8

I am the oldest of four kids.

Jordan is 17.
Jordan is probably one of the smartest people I know. When he was little he was laying in bed across the room. My dad opened his door to say goodnight and the light turned off. When my dad closed the door, the light went back on. He opened the door again and the light went back off while Jordan was still in his bed across the room. My dad took a close look and Jordan had wired his light switch so that this would happen. I think he was 7. When Jordan was 5, Kennadi got a bike for Christmas. My mom went in to the garage and there was Jordan with the bike all put together. My mom asked him how he knew how to read the instructions to which he said "what instructions?" Jordan is super funny! He has so many stories of all the crazy smart stuff he has done that just amazed me! I have been on a few double dates with Jordan and he is really quite the catch, he does everything right. He opens door for girls, asks about them, and is really quite charming. Jordan was sent to the Smith family for a reason...we might still be trying to figure out that reason...but we love him!

Kennadi is 14
I remember when Kennadi was born! I wanted a sister SO badly! Kennadi and I were attached at the hip for the first 3 years of her life! Kennadi will be a freshman in high school this year! That is so weird! I am not ready for those high school halls to corrupt her. She already attends seminary...and is never late. I didn't know that was actually possible. Kennadi is a gymnast! She is pretty much awesome! She has so much strength. Kennadi keeps a daily journal, she hasn't missed a day in over two years. Again, I didn't know that was possible either. That girl is boy CRAZY! It kind of cracks me up. Kennadi is beautiful inside and out. I really like hanging out with Kennadi. As we get older we get closer and I love it! We tell each other secrets and ask questions about everything! Kennadi has really become one of my best friends. I love that girl :)

Kamryn is 12
Kami is the favorite child in the family and we all know it. Parents say they don't pick favorites...mine do. It's really only because Kami hasn't lived long enough to really mess anything up. Kami is a real sweetheart, she is the kind of girl that leaves you notes in little places just to make you feel good. Kami and I have sleepovers about 5 nights a week. Our bedrooms are right next to each other and sometimes that is just not close enough. Kami and I have our little things that we do together and I love it! We collect plates, for some reason we just like to pick up plates at the places we go, it's kind of a tradition. We also have our shows that we watch together like Once Upon a Time and Pretty Little Liars. Every week we watch them..with popcorn. Kami is my little buddy.

I LOVE my siblings. I am very close with my sisters and that makes me so happy :) My siblings are some of the greatest people I know, they teach me new things everyday. I am very blessed to have them!

Kami and I at the UNLV homecoming game!

This is a lake trip in 2010.

Kennadi and I making waffles with my waffle maker.

This is not that weird.

Universal City Trip 2010!

Kennadi and I LOVE each other :)

Okay...YES! We are aware that we should be a Lays commercial or Ad or somethings.

This is completely normal.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 7

Day 7


My best friend is probably pretty obvious by now :)
You guess it! It's Jacob!

A best friend is:
someone who is always there for you
you tell each other EVERYTHING
you can completely be yourself with
you know absolutely everything about the other person
you know their secrets, fears, dreams, needs
a best friend is the best :)

I mean seriously...who else can you be THIS weird with unless they are your best friend :D

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 6

Day 6

An Ideal Day

An ideal day for me...

Sleeping in

feeling completely rested

To be honest I'd probably be on my honey moon on my ideal day

waking up next to my dream man

I am not even joking when I say I would work out

I love the feeling after a good work out

I will eat some delicious breakfast (I love breakfast)

with juice

I will look totally hott

Oh, the weather will be perfect

So I'll be in shorts, a tshirt, and flip flops

and I'll be workin' it

I will have beach hair that kind of just falls perfectly

I might do something kind of adventurous on this day

After a completely relaxing day I would go for a night swim

Did I mention I am at the beach?

Well, it is my honeymoon

At the end of this relaxing day I will get to fall asleep next to the man of my dreams

sounds kind of perfect to me

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 5

Day 5
Define: Love

The very first thought that comes to my mind when I think of love is Jacob Riley Hansen. I love that boy. I can feel it in my whole body. It's the kind of love that you want to stand on the tallest mountain and shout it to the world. The kind that no matter what I do he still looks at me like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. The kind that I still get butterflies every time he reaches for my hand and completely melt every time he kisses me. The kind that I want to tell him everything all the time because he is my best friend. The kind that no matter what, he won't judge me, he will just love me. The kind that we make each other want to be better. The kind that we would do literally anything for each other. The kind that when he is gone all I think about is him and how proud he makes me. He sweeps me off my feet and continues to amaze me. I am in love.

I think about the love my Heavenly Father has for me, and each one of his children. How he sent his son so that I can be saved. I have a testimony of that love.

I adore the kind of love my parents have for each other. True love! My parents always hug and kiss when they see each other. They are such an example to me.

I also think about the love I have for life. Everything about it is wonderful! Sure, there are trials and things we have to overcome and it often times is not very easy and we may not even understand it, but everything happens for a reason. When I put my faith in the Lord, I know it will all be okay. That makes me happy and I love it. I love the beautiful things there are to see in this world. I love the incredible people I am so blessed to meet. I love the experiences I get to have. I love life!

I am in love with LOVE!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 4

Day 4
My favorite foods :)

I have a lot of favorite foods so really this list could go on forever...but some at tip top are:

1. FRUIT! pretty much any kind...I could eat fruit all day long...literally
2. Chicken Enchiladas--oh my!
3. Dots! Those candies that get stuck in your them!
4. Tootsie Rolls!
5. Popcorn!!! I LOVE popcorn, not movie theater popcorn, that's a little gross, but microwave popcorn is delicious.
6. Frozen Yogurt...I might have an addiction to the tart flavors at yogurtland
7. Almonds...I am on this almond kick right now, they are a tasty snack
8. Salad! might be the dressing that I like the most...but still
9. Reese's...any size/form...that is the treat of choice when Jake and I make a candy run
10. Rolls. The homemade kind that you get for Sunday dinner..mmm...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 3

Day 3

My Parents

My mom was born in Michigan but graduated high school in Switzerland. She kind of did everything from traveling to cool places like Egypt and London to playing all sports like basketball and volleyball. She graduated a year early because she is just that smart! My mom is pretty much amazing!

Random facts about my mom:

She is 5' 8"

She is SUPER creative

She is the Young Women's President

She is super smart

She loves anything chocolate

My dad grew up in Orange County California. He lived on skateboarding to the beach and doing things a teenage boy does...(things we can laugh about now but not so funny at the time). My dad is sooo cool, the kind of dad you actually want to spend time with. In fact, sometimes I think my friends only come over to see him!

Random facts about my dad:

He runs marathons

He speaks Spanish

He HATES sour cream

He is ambitious

I am so blessed :)

My parents met at BYU waaayyy back in the day. My mom was 17 and my dad was 18. My mom was kind of awesome and my dad lucky to have met her....they met at a dance (my mom did not remember him), they saw each other a few days later at a gas station where my dad said to my mom "haven't we met before"...she thought he was full of it but turns out they had met. They dated for almost a whole year before my dad went on his mission to Argentina.

My mom waited for my dad! (like mother like daughter)...and they have been happily married for 21 years!

My parents are in love and it's inspiring! My dad works SO hard for my mom and our family,

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 2

Day 2

First Love

I am kind of in love with my first love story...

My first true love is literally out of a fairy tale...

We met in 2010 at the Institute at UNLV

I was a member of LDSSA

His dad was the director

He liked me and told his son he had met his future wife

His son took me on our first date

The rest is history


Elder Jacob Riley Hansen

5' 11''

Blond hair

Blue eyes

a total dream

I pretty much fell head over heels for him on our very first date

I was literally like a little girl with her first crush

I didn't care about anything else other than just hoping I would see him

We have been inseparable ever since our very first date on September 17, 2010

We tell each other EVERYTHING...I'm not even joking a little

We joke about everything

We have secrets

We get each other


He is my very best friend in the whole entire world

He is currently serving a mission in the Mexico, Mexico City South Mission

I am waiting for him

I love him more than anything!

I mean really...what is not to love about this?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge

I have decided to take on the 30 day blogging challenge

I am going to do some new fun post everyday for 30 days

Day 1. Intro.

My name is Kacey Alexa Smith

I am 19

I am a sophomore at UNLV

I am a Meetings and Events Management Major

I have a pretty cool job

I love Las Vegas but I have an insane desire to TRAVEL

(The thought of quitting everything and moving to somewhere crazy has crossed my mind)

I LOVE my Family


I have been running

I am doing a Triathlon in April

I want to do a Tough Mudder

and a Ragnar

I was released from primary

(I might have cried)

But it is time that I go to the Singles Ward

One of my best friends went back to Idaho for school (I love you Alex)

I am rocking the Obmbre hair

I write missionaries :)

This is me with Tyler and Audrey

I LOVE these two

Tyler is like a brother to me

he watches out for me

Audrey IS my sister! We tell each other everything!

This is Alex! I love her even though she moved to Idaho for school.

Our hobbies are:

road trips



crafty things


Last but not least...JACOB! My EVERYTHING! He is currently serving his mission in Mexico City South and I couldn't be more proud of him :)